A third of companies engaged in digital activities do not evaluate the results of their advertising. Of those that do, most (83%) check the results of advertising by monitoring their advertising account, they may use analytics software (18%), or have an external partner that provides them with a report (11%). Half of the companies (52%) do not keep track of data that can be used for online marketing, while a further third (36%) only store contact and purchase data on customers. Only 4% of companies use data to reach their target market, while only 3% store data beyond contact details and completed purchases.
As a summary of the research, the "Digimeter INTREN Marketing Index" was defined, which indicates on a 10-point scale how advanced SMEs are in terms of digital marketing, considering all the areas of the survey. The overall sample scored 2.6, while the top 20% scored 6.0.
The above results show that while the essence of online marketing should be data-driven planning, implementation, and evaluation, few SMEs are yet able to apply this data-driven approach. At the same time, it also means that with a small investment of resources, rapid improvements could be achieved: either by training a dedicated staff member, hiring a competent specialist, or contracting an external agency. However, the survey results show that only one in eight companies plan to train staff digitally, 2% are looking to recruit new staff, and only a quarter of them use an external specialist. Companies that invest in obtaining digital marketing know-how can gain a significant competitive advantage.